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Deutscher Schwerhörigenbund e. V.

IFHOH Workshop zum Cochlear Implant

Erfahrungen und Praxistipps zum Cochlear Implantat


Am 02.02.2021 um 16:00 Uhr veranstaltet der IFHOH Weltverband (International Federation of Hard of Hearing People) in Englischer Sprache einen Online Workshop zum Thema Cochlear Implant – Erfahrungen und Praxistipps.

Referenten des Workshops:

  • Ms. Lise Hamelin, Director of Public Policy, Hearing Loss Association of America
  • Ms. Darja Pajk, Representative of the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People on the Consumer and Professional Advocacy Committee
  • Dr. Naama Tsach (Ph.D.), Speech and Language Pathologist and Educational Audiologist
  • Ms. Joanna Chio of the Philippines, a Graphics Designer and Cochlear Implant user
  • Dr. Ruth Warick, President of the International Federation of Hard of Hearing People

Moderation: Avi Blau, Vice-President of IFHOH

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